
Along with plays, publications were another medium Gursharan Singh adopted to reach out to people. Samta, a Punjabi monthly was started in 1980. Over a 100 issues of Samta were published which became not only a platform of progressive revolutionary literature where new writers published extensively but it also became a central discussion platform for the radical left in the 1980s. These discussions were often initiated by Gursharan Singh. After Gursharan Singh’s death, Watan ( uploaded a large number of Samta volumes on the site with the hope that these volumes will be helpful in understanding the works and thoughts of Gursharan Singh. With Watan’s consent and our deepest gratitude to the editors, Sukhwant Hundal and Sadhu Binning, we are adding the volumes on this site.It’s work in progress and we will be adding the missing volumes in the coming months.